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The most delicious citrus fruit from Fedenico that will impress your taste buds: Lulo Fruta

Who doesn’t love lulo? It is one of the most delicious citrus fruits around. The first time I ever had lulo, I was in Colombia and it was love at first bite. If you’ve never had lulo before, you’re in for a real jelly-like consistency treat. Lulo is a cross between citrus fruit and a grape, and it has a slightly sweet tart flavor that is absolutely amazing. Whether you eat it plain or add it to your favorite recipes, you’re going to love the taste of this wonderful fruit from Latin America. Trust me – lulo is a purchase definitely worth trying!

What is lulo and where does it come from?

Lulo is a type of citrus fruit that is native to Colombia and Ecuador. It is also known as naranjilla or Piña de Indias in Spanish. The fruit is oval-shaped and has a bright orange or yellow color. Lulo has spiky hairs with many small pale yellow seeds on the inside. The thick peel of the fruit is inedible and its greenish pulp is what is eaten.

Lulo fruit (lulo Fruta)  grows on a flowering plant that is part of the Solanaceae family. The lulo plant can grow to be about 3 meters tall and produces clusters of white flowers. Lulo fruits are typically harvested from December to March. The leathery texture of the fruit’s skin makes it difficult to transport so they are often found in markets close to where they are grown.

The nutritional benefits of eating lulo 

Lulo is a good source of vitamins C and E as well as carotenoids, which are antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. B complex vitamins are also found in lulo. These vitamins are important for energy metabolism and nervous system function. Lulo also contains minerals like potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.

One of the most interesting nutritional benefits of lulo is that it is a good source of ellagitannins. Ellagitannins are compounds that can be converted into ellagic acid in the body. Ellagic acid is a powerful antioxidant that has been linked to a number of health benefits, including cancer prevention.

How to eat lulo

We recommend you eat Lulo in small amounts (if eaten plain) because your tongue can get easily bruised from the acidity of this fruit. The most popular way to eat lulo is in juices or smoothies. Lulo juice is a refreshing drink that can be enjoyed on its own or added to other beverages like cocktails. To make lulo juice, simply blend the flesh of the fruit with water and sweeten it to taste with sugar or honey. The persistent calyx should be removed before juicing.

Lulo can also be used in savory dishes like soups and stews. Its acidity pairs well with richer meats like pork and chicken. Or, you can add it to fruit salads and desserts for a refreshing sweetness.

Fun facts about this delicious fruit

Did you know that lulo is a member of the nightshade family? This means that it is related to other fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. Lulo is sometimes called “little orange” in English. In Colombia, lulo juice is often used as a hangover cure! Some of the top departments  where Lulo is grown are:

  • Cundinamarca
  • Boyacá
  • Tolima
  • Antioquia
  • Meta
  • Valle del Cauca

Easily brushed off, the hair-like spines on Lulo’s skin are what give this fruit its name. The plants on which Lulos grow have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Lulo plants contain alkaloids that have been shown to have sedative, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. The fruit of the lulo plant can be used as a natural food coloring agent. As you see,  there are many reasons to love lulo fruit! This delicious citrus fruit is not only nutritious but also versatile in the kitchen. So next time you want to try something new or are looking for a healthy snack, visit our website to order fresh lulo fruit. We’ll have it delivered right to your door!


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