Contact Us 954.755.5618

105 NW 13th Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069

A Taste of Home: Bringing Colombian Products to the US with Fedenico Inc.

The aroma of freshly brewed café con leche, the vibrant colors of tropical fruits, the sweet crunch of a Colombina candy – these are just a few things that evoke a sense of home for Colombians living in the United States. But for many, finding these familiar products can be a challenge. This is where Fedenico Inc. steps in, acting as a bridge between Colombian brands and American distributors, bringing a taste of home to Colombian communities across the US.

Imagine this: a small bodega in Miami, its shelves stocked with Postobon and Pony Malta soda, and the iconic yellow packets of Yupi. A Colombian family walks in, their eyes lighting up as they see these familiar products, a comforting reminder of their homeland. This is the impact that Fedenico Inc. strives to create, offering a piece of Colombia to those who miss it most.

But Fedenico Inc. isn’t just about nostalgia. It’s about opportunity. We offer a chance for American businesses to become distributors of some of Colombia’s most beloved brands, including Yupi, JGB, Aldor, Postobon, Su Sabor Latin Taste, Abuela Emilia, Play, Pony Malta, El Rey, and Colombina, to name a few.

Why Partner with Fedenico Inc.?

Here are just a few reasons why becoming a distributor of Colombian products with Fedenico Inc. is a smart business move:

Growing Demand:

  • Demographic Powerhouse: The Hispanic population in the US is the second largest demographic group, exceeding 62 million people. This translates to a massive and growing consumer base with a strong demand for familiar Latin American products.
  • Nostalgia Factor: Colombian immigrants often crave the taste of home, creating a loyal customer base willing to pay a premium for their favorite Colombian snacks, beverages, and ingredients.
  • Cultural Shift: Latin American cuisine is gaining popularity in the mainstream, driven by its vibrant flavors and unique dishes. This opens doors for wider market penetration beyond the Hispanic community.

High-Quality Brands:

  • Household Names: We partner with some of the most recognized and trusted Colombian brands, including Yupi, Postobon, Pony Malta, and Colombina. These brands have a proven track record of success and consumer satisfaction.
  • Authentic Flavors: Our brands use traditional recipes and high-quality ingredients, ensuring the authentic taste of Colombia that consumers crave.
  • Innovation and Variety: Our partner brands are constantly innovating, offering new and exciting products that cater to evolving consumer preferences.
  • Strict Quality Control: We ensure that all products meet the highest quality standards, guaranteeing a consistent and satisfying experience for your customers.

Becoming a Fedenico Inc. Distributor: A Simple Process

Bringing a taste of Colombia to your store is easier than you think. Here’s a simple 4-step process:

  1. Contact Us: Reach out to us via WhatsApp. This is the first step in starting your journey as a Fedenico Inc. distributor.
  2. Explore Our Catalog: We’ll send you a comprehensive catalog showcasing the wide range of Colombian products we offer.
  3. Place Your Order: Once you’ve selected the products you want to stock, simply place your order with us.
  4. Payment and Pick Up: We require a 50% upfront payment before we purchase the products on your behalf. The remaining 50% is due when you pick up your order.

More Than Just Products, It’s a Cultural Connection

Distributing Colombian products isn’t just about selling goods; it’s about fostering a cultural connection. You’re offering a piece of home to Colombians living in the US, a chance to connect with their heritage through familiar flavors and brands.

Imagine the joy on a child’s face as they bite into a Chocolisto chocolate bar, or the warmth that fills an elderly couple’s hearts as they sip a cup of authentic Colombian coffee. By becoming a Fedenico Inc. distributor, you’re playing a part in preserving and sharing Colombian culture, one product at a time.

Join the Fedenico Inc. Family

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. By partnering with Fedenico Inc., you can bring the vibrant flavors and rich culture of Colombia to your store, while building a profitable and sustainable business.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today and let’s bring a taste of Colombia to the United States, together!


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